Why does our body need protein?

reading time: 5 minute

The human body needs protein to stay healthy and function properly to prevent disease. There are more than 10,000 types of proteins throughout the body, from organs to muscles, tissues, bones, skin, and hair. So protein affects all body functions, and protein deficiency causes diseases such as osteoporosis, liver surgery, kwashiorkor , skin and hair problems, etc. It puts human health at risk.

Protein is also an important part of the elements that provide the body with energy and bring blood oxygen throughout the body. Protein also helps to make antibodies that fight infections and diseases, helping to keep cells healthy and protect and create new ones.

Symptoms of Protein Deficiency

Muscle weakness

 Protein is the source of fuel for the body’s muscles, and when it is reduced in the body, muscles become weak.  Protein is involved in the absorption of nutrients such as iron and calcium, and since these two substances are necessary for the health of muscles and joints, the role of protein in muscle health is highlighted.

Hair loss and loss of hair strength

 Human hair is made from a protein called keratin. This protein provides healthy hair and needs to be taken daily to ensure proper growth and strength. So protein deficiency plays a role in weakening hair strength and hair loss, causing dryness and brittle hair. That’s why hair needs protein for its health.

Fatty liver

Fatty liver or fat accumulation in liver cells can be a complication of protein deficiency in the body. Overweight people or people who drink alcohol excessively are more likely to have the disease. Research has shown that protein deficiency and impaired synthesis of fat transfer proteins may be effective in incidence of this disease.

Stop growing in children

 Protein is essential for body growth and growing children need it very much. When the baby doesn’t get enough protein, he or she stops growing, causing problems for the baby.

Weakened immune system

Proteins play an important role in the functioning of our immune system. Immune cells are made up of proteins and proteins play an important role in the production of white blood cells, antibodies, blood proteins and a variety of immune molecules. When the body doesn’t get enough protein, it can’t produce enough immune cells, which is why the immune system suffers.

Swelling in the leg

Protein helps keep water and salt in the blood vessels. When the body is deficient in protein, these fluids penetrate into surrounding tissues and cause swelling and puffiness in these areas. The swelling is associated with skin elongation and paleness, and it remains where it is when you put your finger on the skin.


Mental fog

One of the symptoms of protein deficiency is mental fog, lack of motivation, poor concentration and learning disorders. Protein deficiency disrupts the function of the neurotransmitters responsible for concentration. These messengers are epinephrine, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Because neurotransmitters in the brain are made with the help of amino acids, proteins are needed to make them, and lack of them creates many problems for the individual.

Increased appetite

Sometimes low appetite is a symptom of protein deficiency and sometimes it may cause an increase in appetite. When the body is deficient in protein, it tries to get it. This effort increases your appetite and pushes you toward protein-containing compounds, causing the person to switch to carbohydrates or sugar intake, which makes you more hungry. If you have a sudden increase in appetite, it is better to go for high-protein foods to compensate for the deficiency and restore your appetite to normal levels and avoid the complications of obesity and overeating.


How Much Protein Does Your Body Need?

Not getting enough protein in your diet can lead to health problems. For example, muscle tissue breaks down and leads to muscle loss.

But consuming more protein isn’t necessarily better. While it can help build muscle, if consumed in excess, your body may store excess amounts as fat.


Dietary guidelines for Americans developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend daily amounts of protein for different age groups:

Children under 4 years: 13g

Children 4 to 8 years old: 19 grams

Children 9 to 13 years old: 34g

Women and girls aged 14 and over: 46 grams

Boys 14 to 18 years old: 52g

Men 19 years and older: 56g

Simply put, most people should consume 10 to 35 percent of their daily calories in the form of protein. You need more calories for activities like cycling, weightlifting, or running, but the percentage of protein stays in the same range.

After age 40, you can start losing muscle mass, a condition known as sarcopenia, and you may need more protein.

After age 40, you can start losing muscle mass, a condition known as sarcopenia, and you may need more protein.

If you’re overweight, you need to reduce your calorie intake. It’s best to consult a nutritionist who will help you figure out how much protein your body needs.

What are the best sources of protein?

High-quality sources of protein include:


Meat of birds

Lean beef or pork (in limited quantities)



Dairy products


But it’s best to get all the protein you need from plant sources, including:


Quinoa seeds

Legumes, such as beans, chickpeas, or lentils

Cereals, such as wheat, rice or corn


You can combine large amounts of plant-based protein sources with smaller portions of animal sources, such as dairy products or eggs, to make sure you’re getting enough amino acids.

Of course, it is recommended to limit the amount of protein you get from processed meats: such as bacon, sausages or cold water.

What impact do high-protein diets have on health?

Some weight loss programs, such as the Atkins Diet and the ketogenic diet, require high amounts of protein and fat while restricting carbohydrates. But research shows that they seem to do well primarily only in the short term. One reason may be that people can’t follow this type of eating plan for a long time.

Be careful what rules you try. Focusing on protein and fat intake can prevent you from getting all the nutrients you need, and this may lead to dangerous side effects that endanger your health. For example, it can lead to fatigue, dizziness, headaches, bad breath and constipation.

Best Source of Plant Protein

Quinoa seeds are a good source of plant protein and fiber. One cooked cup of this plant seed provides about 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber. Unlike some plant proteins, quinoa seed is considered a complete protein that contains all nine essential amino acids in the body. It should be noted that the body is not able to make these amino acids on its own. Amino acids such as lysine are not present in many plant foods, and quinoa seeds are no exception. This makes quinoa seeds a complete source of protein.


What diseases does protein deficiency in the body cause?

Lack of protein causes diseases such as osteoporosis, liver disease, kwashiorkor, skin and hair problems.


What are the symptoms of protein deficiency in the body?

Body muscle weakness, hair loss, fatty liver, stunted growth of children, swelling in the leg area, weakness in the immune system.


Is one of the causes of hair loss a lack of protein?

Yes, protein deficiency reduces hair strength and increases hair loss.


Does Protein Deficiency Cause Weight Gain?

Yes, when your body is deficient in protein, you are constantly feeling hungry.


How much protein should I eat every day?

Most people should consume 10 to 35 percent of their daily calories in the form of protein.


How is protein intake?

Protein needs to be consumed as much, if consumed too much, your body may store excess amounts as fat.

Which foods have protein?

One of the best sources of protein for the body is quinoa seeds.


How can I get plant protein?

By consuming quinoa seeds, nuts, legumes and grains you can get plant protein.

Read more …

Quinofit, using quinoa seeds, has produced products that, in addition to being tasty, are a sufficient and complete source of protein and provide your body with good health.



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